
"Consultants, they borrow your watch to tell you the time"
How many times have you heard this? At Screen Matrix, we do things differently. Your success is our success. We do not restrict ourselves to any one discipline. We look at the business as a whole and include strategic consultancy, integration and automation. This means more than web site design. It means marketing as a driver for digital transformation.
If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So Screen Matrix offers platform agnostic advice and services. We can work in Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Tableau, or we can design and create an integrated marketing platform using Linux, Open Source technologies such as WordPress and state of the art analytics and dashboards using Google GA4 and Python, building your own APIs. Whatever works best for you.
Knowledge Transfer
The Task is not The Goal. When we help make a difference to your business, it is only natural you should wish to adopt the operations and procedures we have jointly developed and build them into your business. We have completed numerous projects which include handover of knowledge to the customer and we think that is how it should always be.